ILMEA Bridge Mentorship Program 2024-2025
Mentee Registration
Jun 01, 2024 - May 31, 2025
The ILMEA Bridge Mentorship Program strives to provide early career music educators with a foundation for success in the field of music education through mentoring partnerships, professional development, networking and leadership opportunities, and ILMEA state activities.
Who can participate?
· Mentees: early career music educators and music educators who have changed positions and would benefit from working with a mentor
· Mentors: experienced music educators who wish to share their expertise
What is the commitment and schedule?
Because new and experienced music educators have very busy schedules, the program is designed to be flexible based on the needs of the mentor/mentee pair.
· Webinars (Held the last Sunday of each month from 3-4pm, excluding December and January)
· Individually scheduled meetings in December
· Breakfast meeting at IMEC
· As many hours of mentor/mentee work as you wish
What is the cost?
· $20 registration fee for mentees
What are the benefits, and what is included in the registration fee?
· Assignment of a mentor based on your specific request, coordinated through the Bridge Program leaders and ILMEA district presidents
· Opportunities for networking with music educators from all parts of Illinois
· Webinars for mentees
· Mentor/Mentee breakfast at IMEC
· Earn up to 20 PD hours!
Register below!*
· As soon as you register, we will reach out to start setting up your mentor/mentee partnership!